Im not into taking sides on this one, but I think I need to vent before I do something drastic ... like get the Look a Like Kate Baboon Ass Reverse Mullett.
I got this picture off the net, someone with a bigger and better camera than mine took it.... as you can see... Kate is bitching at Jon, probably because he isn't breathing right... or wearing the wrong shoes...whatever
Can Jon get any more INSANE???
I mean come on, go on National TV and bad mouth the ex... why do that????... anyone that watched that show KNOWS Kate is a crazy bitch... she isnt gonna change anything.. you were a DOOR MAT, get over it... go snuggle with your pre-pubescent Ed Hardy wearing plastic surgery addicted toddlers (aka Haley and Kate2). Grow up... you have 8 kids, get rid of your sport car and bust out the van again Daddy-o ... besides you are NOT that hot to have that car.
HI I'm a Calm Cool Collected ...Bitch- yes, on to you Kate... really- he's banging whatever walks by him that is under 17, take the ring off.. .the kids wont care, actually they wont NOTICE... You dont like him anyway, he never does anything right, he dont listen, he doesn't pick up, blah blah blah... so TAKE THE RING OFF! And really, when you sit in an interview and say stupid crap like "He's been abducted by aliens"- Really?, that was a movie when I was 9- called ET... you are just showing your ignorance. Show some emotion, take some responsibility, and for the LOVE OF GOD, get the kids off TV... we dont wanna see you on a ship shooting the Poparazzi, Riding Horses in your PINK hat, hearing them have melt down after meltdown, or beating your kids in the driveway. Be their mother, love them, snuggle them, and show them you are the better person.... and QUIT getting the freebies... you dont need them... quit being such a tw... oh never mind.
NOTE TO J&K+8 I still find I can turn on your show and watch you for 5 minutes, then everytime get pissed off..... you've given the kids everything- and they dont know that every other kid in the US does not have 3, yes 3 $2500 play houses... now just parent like the rest of us. Grow up, act civil, and get a haircut.... let them have a life like we all give our kids... NORMAL. It is time for you to get on with your life... I mean afterall... momma Duggar is still going strong, praying, homeschooling, and on to #19- all while being a soon to be granny... (another day- another post)
That is all for the unoficcial ramblings of this Desperate for Something to Do Housewife.
Nice! I hate Jon. No wonder why Kate is such a bitch! He can't make a good decision to save his life. And him pulling the plug on the show? Great timing - way to show the world you're putting your kids first. Right AFTER you got the boot from TLC. At least Kate is being a mother. Jon needs to get punched in the face.